Saturday 11 August 2012

It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live

I'm sitting in a coffeehouse (I refuse to call it coffeeshop, that's a different thing entirely and waaay more fun) writing shit and I feel like friggin JK, what with the only being able to afford one cup and whatnot. I'm also secretly charging my various electronic devices under the table because I'm that desperate.

As to how I'm coping with being deprived of technology of any kind all week, well, I've been reading a lot. I think I read everything that's compulsory for two of my classes in one week. Reading in candle light is surprisingly fun, though generations before me had to do it, so I have no right to whine (not that it ever stopped me before).

As to my shiny happy new self, it's still here, which is surprising. This week was probably one of the worst I have ever had, so many things just blowing up in my face (not in a nice, that's what she said way), and still being unable to ask for help, much less accept it when it's offered. One of my new, wonderful and might I mention über-cute (winkwink) friends helped me realize how far I've come just by being there and pointing shit out - shit that comes naturally to most people but we, the lovely fucked up snowflakes that we are, simply cannot cope with. And then we can. Okay, it took years and years of therapy, but still, it's there and it's progress and I'm so fucking proud of myself for not crawling back to my head the second the shit hit the fan. (I always picture that and it cracks me the fuck up. Every. Single. Time.).

I do realize I turned from awesomely cracktastic to a deeply disturbed whiny bitch, but hey, at least now you don't have to harass me to give a fucking sign that I have not topped myself.

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